How to Spend Valentine’s Day If You Are Single

Love it or hate it Saint Valentine’s Day is looming closer by the minute. While couples are convulsively trying to get perfect gifts for their soulmates and ordering tables in restaurants, singles are looking for places where they can hide from all those sentiments, chocolate, teddy bears, proposals and other stuff. Here’s a survival guide for singles. There are many benefits of being alone on Valentine’s Day, check them out!
What to Do?
#1 Visit Spa
Take rest from disturbing thoughts that bother you on this day. Take a bath, light the candles, go to a masseuse. Hot water, massage, the fragrance of aroma oils will help you reach deep relaxation. Believe that you’ll forget about all your worries.
# 2 Go to the Party
Are some of your friends having a party? You should definitely be there. If none of your friends are throwing a party, you can attend some public event and meet new people there. Drinking, dancing and chatting will improve your mood, but don’t forget that it’s Wednesday and tomorrow is a weekday 🙂
#3 Spend Time With a Single Close Friend
Buy some tasty food you usually refuse from, put on comfy sleepwear, find a good comedy on Netflix and invite your friend to share all that with you. Laugh or cry – it’s up to you, but don’t be alone.
#4 Visit Your Family
Being with your family and loved ones will help you to get distracted from the feeling of loneliness if it takes place. If you live with your parents, just spend time with them – watch movie or TV comedy, cook dinner or do something of this nature.
#5 Get on a Short Trip
Trips are usually full of adventures. Buy a ticket to a place that is not far from your city, book the hotel room and have dinner in a restaurant. Invite a friend or several friends (not the couples) to join you. A trip will inspire and bring some new thoughts to your mind.
#6 Go to the Restaurant
There could be some difficulties with booking a table on Saint Valentine’s Day, but you can try. Give yourself a permission to taste anything you want despite the calories. Choose the place where you can taste something new and delicious. Who knows, maybe your soulmate will be sitting at the neighboring table.
#7 Cook
If you like cooking, but usually don’t have time for that, this is your opportunity. Try to get home earlier to have more time for cooking. Find a recipe to prepare a difficult dish that you usually don’t have time for. If you cope with this (and you surely do), you will feel inspired and proud of yourself.
#8 Visit a Specific Class
Remember that time you wanted to attend painting/ latin dance/DIY class? It’s time to do that now! The first reason is that you will feel you do something useful for you, the second – you won’t be alone and the third – it’s just fun 🙂
#9 Workout at the Gym
One of the best ways to relieve stress is to workout. Go to the gym and let you body get rid of accumulated negative emotions and calories. One more advantage of going to the gym is that it’s a nice place for meeting someone.
What Not to Do
1. Don’t text or call exes. You will regret. Definitely. If you didn’t call them before, there was a reason. Remember it.
2. Don’t be the third wheel. It’s pathetic. Sorry. Even if you are very good friends with a couple, you won’t be happy feeling that you are a bit unwanted at the celebration of their love.
3. Don’t be too dramatic. Maybe a bit, but not too much. The fact that you don’t have a date this year, doesn’t mean that you have some flaws or something. You just didn’t find someone who you are interested in enough to go on date.
4. Don’t refuse from visiting events. Do you really think you are the only single in the city? Don’t refuse from visiting parties only because you don’t want to see many couples around you. Many of them will be sitting at home or in restaurant. Parties on Saint Valentine’s Day are mostly for singles.
5. Do not drink alone at home. First of all, it’s harmful for your physical health, secondly, it’s not good for you emotional health too. Alcohol will boost the feeling of loneliness and urge you to do stuff you’d regret later.
Saint Valentine’s Day can be a torture for some single people especially if they are surrounded with happy couples. If it is your case, you can get through it and the best way is to cooperate with other singles and spend good time together.