The Best Guide to Completing Summer Homework Fast

The thing that every student looks forward to is summer vacation. That beautiful time of the year when the weather is perfect and the freedom to enjoy life without all the stress of school is a reality rather than a dream.
For many though, the summer isn’t just a time for relaxing. Most have summer homework that they have been assigned by their teachers to complete before the new school year begins.
But why do teachers assign summer homework? Well, the answer is simple, teachers assign summer homework as a way of keeping the students’ mind sharp and as a way of getting students prepared for the year to come.
How much summer homework gets assigned? Generally, most teachers assign what works out to be about an hour of summer homework a day if broken down into manageable sections that get completed throughout the summer holiday. This can be a simple and easy task for those that have good time management skills.
Others, however, find the idea of doing homework over the summer unbearable and thus end up trying to finish it all in the last few days before school starts again.
While this may often feel overwhelming, the truth is that it doesn’t have to be.
There are many ways to get a lot of that summer homework done quickly while still retaining the most important parts of the information.
It doesn’t matter if you are:
- Lazy
- Busy with other work
- Have trouble finding time to balance work/school/home
- Just enjoying a beautiful summer
- Sick
All of the tips, tricks, and advice listed here for completing summer homework fast are designed to work with any students’ schedule – no matter the deadline!
For Summer Reading Homework
Some people hate reading, especially if the subject matter is dense, boring, or both. Others don’t like to read because it requires too much time and concentration. And of course, there are those that just never went out to pick up the book in the first place.
If you have a ton of pages that you need to read before school starts and find yourself without the time or the motivation to get it done then do we have some solutions for you!
Book Notes, Guides, and Analysis
There are several online resources that provide full-length analysis of fiction and non-fiction books that are commonly assigned for summer reading. Some of the benefits of these sites, beyond making your summer reading go much faster, is that they provide detailed information on plot, character development, storyline, and much more to give you all the information about a book without having to sit and read through the whole thing. They include:
- Sparknotes – Provides detailed information on the most common works of literature that are assigned to junior high, high school, and university students.
- Cliff Notes – Similar to Sparknotes, but also includes study guides and a variety of search functions to find exactly what you are looking to fully understand your required reading.
- PinkMonkey – The great thing about PinkMonkey is that it includes more than just reading materials. You can also find a vast amount of resources for studying for various standardized testing that makes reading a full, and boring, test prep book a quick and easy process.
- BookRags – If you have to write something after you have “read” it then you will find BookRags instrumental in giving you resources, study guides, bios, interviews, encyclopedia research, and more to help you get your reading and writing done quickly, easily, and just in time for school to start again.
Audio Options
If you have other more exciting things to be doing on your computer, or find internet reading and research just as daunting as actually reading a book, then consider the following options for getting your summer reading done without actually having to read a page:
- Local Library – This place is a great resource for finding audio books. This lets you “read” any time anywhere! Whether you go out to the park to listen, pop in an audiobook while you are driving around, or keep it on in the background while you are playing your favorite video game, audiobooks are perfect for anyone that doesn’t want to sacrifice the last few days of summer vacation activities while learning!
- Audible – Created by Amazon, and boasting one of the largest collection of audio learning materials including books, papers, and other educational material for students.
- OverDrive – OverDrive works with over 30,000 public libraries to let you download their audio material right to your device. The best part is that it is free and works with just about any operating system. All you need is your library or student card to rent and download the exact reading material you need to finish your summer homework reading requirements!
For Summer Writing Homework
If your summer homework requires a lot of writing and you have a short amount of time then try out some of these options for getting it done quick!
- Study Group – These days everything is crowdsourced. Why not do the same thing with your summer writing homework? Get together with some friends that also need to get work done fast and work as a team to get that writing done. Having people around who can provide support and critiques for your writing will make it go much faster and provide you with a better pool of ideas, words, and subject matter to cover.
- Professional Writing Services – If you find that writing is just not your thing, or, you just don’t know enough about a topic, then try hiring a professional writing service to complete unique and professional writing assignments for you tailored to your specific needs. Companies like EssayTigers are perfect at getting papers done quickly by their experienced pool of educators and academics who are ready to write anything you need!
- Grammarly – While you will still have to do the writing yourself, the nice thing about Grammarly is that it can provide you with information about flow, content, syntax, overall readability, plagiarism, and much more. Just type out a rough draft of your writing and run it through their editing software to get a detailed report of how you can quickly and easily adjust your writing to be exactly what you need to get the grades that you want.
These options will greatly decrease the amount of time that you spend writing and increase the time you spend enjoying the last remaining days of summer stress-free!
The Takeaway
While the benefits of learning can be high when it comes to assigning summer homework, the fact is that it can be a daunting task to complete and doesn’t always benefit the student depending on the amount of work assigned. This is especially true for those that have other obligations like work and family to take care of over the summer.
What happens if you don’t finish your summer homework?
Well, that can depend on the school, the teacher, and the student. Most commonly, not finishing summer homework can result in lower grades and test scores. Additionally, not finishing summer homework can put a student behind before the school year starts, marking the beginning of what should be a productive school year with stress and anxiety.
By the way, have you seen our post on legendary homework excuses?
The best way, obviously, to complete summer homework is to section it out into manageable blocks that you can do throughout the summer. However, if you find that you are running short on time to complete your summer homework, then the advice and resources listed above will allow you to quickly complete your summer homework so that you can be ready for the new school year to come!
So what are you waiting for? Get started now!