New Year’s Resolution Ideas for Students

What is a better time to set new goals than the beginning of a year? Surely, it’s time to celebrate and have fun but it’s also the time to make plans for the year, get excited and inspired by new ideas, and obviously make resolutions! Here is the list that might inspire you to make resolutions a tradition! Let’s get started!
Resolution 1. Study Better
Becoming better at studying is not something that could happen like magic. But still many students around the world would love to get better grades and study like a pro. If you want to add this resolution to your list, you need to understand that it takes some effort to make this dream come to life.
Although, there is nothing impossible. All you need is a good plan and great self-discipline. The rest we can help you with. And if you want to write your tests more effortlessly or memorize things quicker, you will surely find a lot of great tips for that in our blog.
So, this is a great resolution – a motivating and inspiring one. Add it to your list and do your best to achieve your goal. We will help!
Resolution 2. Have More Sleep
If you constantly feel like you lack energy and there is an issue that you would love to solve in the new year, you might try making a resolution to have something done about that. We have actually already covered the topic of sleep hygiene and how to make your sleep better, so you might find those tips very useful when making your resolution come to life.
There are a lot of people who promise themselves to fix their sleep schedule and still don’t make enough effort to do that. Making it your New Year’s resolution might motivate you and help you get to the problem that you were putting aside for a long time. So, don’t miss your chance.
Resolution 3. Find Study-Life Balance
Having different spheres of your life being on your mind all the time is difficult. And the majority of students try to juggle more than just study and social life – there often is also work, sports, hobbies, relationships, family, and many other things that you need to find time for daily,
Finding the balance between study and social life or between work and study is not that easy. However, it is possible. And if you would like to add this resolution to your list, make sure to think of it as a positive change that you will need to work on but a really good one for your mental health and productivity.
Resolution 4. Stop Being Focused on Grades
When it comes to education, we often seem to be more focused on our grades than on the learning process itself. And it’s completely understandable, given the educational system that we are all involved in. Think of it – if there were no grades, would you be more motivated to study or less?
When you are focused on the quality of the knowledge you get and the practical use of what you have learned, it’s much easier to memorize these things and later be more successful at your job. It’s also much less stressful when you know that grades don’t define you as a person – they barely make sense when it comes to measuring how much you know. So, when you are making a resolution to be more focused on the learning process, you make your choice to be less dependent on the grades and be less traumatized by the grade that doesn’t meet your expectations.
Resolution 5. Meet New People
Socializing and communicating are important for healthy and vibrant personality development. If you are a shy person and face difficulties while communicating with new people, it might be a challenge for you. But it really might be helpful for your future career and social life.
This resolution can surely change your college experience. If you spend more time studying and not communicating much, try out a few of our tips on how to make friends and thus have a better social life while still being devoted to studying.
Meeting new people is amazing – you never know how useful some of the connections you build while in college might become later in your life. Some people owe their career to befriending the right people yearly in life. So why not try something new this year?
Resolution 6. Eat Healthy Meals
When you are a student, sometimes you don’t have the time or skill to eat healthy meals often. Many students live off instant noodles and chips. But it might really affect your health and even your productivity as a student – a deficiency of important elements and vitamins limits the abilities of your brain.
Eating healthy when you live on campus might be a little challenging. But it should not stop you from doing a good thing for your health. There are various easy healthy recipes and some useful cooking gadgets that will ease the meal preparation process.
Wrapping Up
New Year’s resolutions are a special kind of promise. They might be more personal or quite general instead. But they still are an expression of what you wish for yourself and other people. You are able to change for the best and we hope that the ideas above will be helpful. Happy New Year!