
a student playing video games
February 26, 2016

Study Distractions You Should Say Yes To

When you have to study for several hours straight, your mind gets tired and trivial little things seem to become incredibly important. You switch your attention to a TV show, updating your software, or flipping through Facebook news. Well, these distractions cannot help you be more productive especially when you have an exam tomorrow. However, there are distractions that can actually boost your energy and help you improve your studying results.

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February 3, 2016

Achieving Goals Advice from NFL players

NFL players and coaches understand that the best results can only be achieved through restless hard work, focus on strategy, teamwork, perseverance and a strong will-to-win spirit. These men know something about motivation and their wise words and lessons can be applied to anyone who needs an inspiration boost in their everyday lives.

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Santa Claus with elves ride snowboards
December 16, 2015

Funny Christmas Party Themes

Whether you’re planning an evening with the family, or a rambunctious party with your friends, your Сhristmas get-together will need a theme. And why settle for something boring like ‘Сhristmas movie night’ when you can do something completely unique and something that anyone, regardless of age, will enjoy? Let’s jump into this list of funny Сhristmas party themes.

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a plate with cookies and jam
December 8, 2015

What’s the Best Food to Eat Before a Test

Proper nutrition is important, and doubly so on important days like when you take a test. Keeping up your energy during the exam is crucial to your success. Ever had one of those times when you’re staring at the sheet and are just drawing a blank, even though you know for sure you’ve studied this? It might be because you didn’t pay proper attention to what you ate, and it resulted in your blood sugar flatlining at the worst moment.

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How to Study for a Test the Night Before
November 26, 2015

How to Study for a Test the Night Before

You’ve procrastinated for who knows how long, and you’re arriving at the point where, if you don’t start studying now, you’ll go into the test with a head devoid of information. You probably know this already, but this happens to everyone. Now let’s focus on getting you through the test with a passing grade.

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