Tips on How to Save College Relationships After Graduation

There was a time when one of the only reasons women attended educational institutions, was to find themselves a husband! Of Course, times have changed, and female students are there to learn and attain the qualifications needed for their chosen career. However, that doesn’t mean college romances are a thing of the past.
In fact, according to USA Today 28% of married graduates met their spouse at college! That statistic is even higher for religious institutions where as many as 60% of such romances end in marriage. Looks like those people knew some hacks on how to save college relationships after graduation.
Dating in college is not like dating in the real world. It is not always plain sailing. Relationships and indeed day to day life play out within a campus bubble and this can spell trouble after graduation. Many alumni struggle to make it once they are out in the adult world and facing the stress of a career and other responsibilities the cracks begin to show. However, if you are determined to stay with your current partner, the following tips might help you.
Tips on How to Save College Relationships After Graduation
- Talk About the Future Preemptively – One of the best tips on how to save college relationships is to talk about your future plans as early as possible. Don’t wait until the last day of studying to discuss where you see the relationship going. Discuss the situation a few months before graduation rolls around and make sure you both see the same future. It might be a tough conversation but be open and honest with each other. Do you plan to move close to each other? If not, are you prepared to have a long-distance relationship? These are questions which need to be asked.
- Is Exclusivity Important to You? – One of the biggest reasons why college relationships fail is because one or both partners cheat. This can be an especially big temptation if you go to different towns or states after graduation. What if we took cheating out of the equation? Is exclusivity important to you? A growing number of young people are experimenting with open or polyamorous relationships. It’s not for everyone, but for some it is a great way to stay together after studying ends.
- Be Prepared to Embrace Change – Another of our favourite tips on how to save college relationships is to be ready to embrace change. College is totally different from the every day grind and sometimes the change can be overwhelming. You and your partner may find yourselves developing different interests and veering off on your own path. That’s okay and it is no cause for alarm. However, you do need to be prepared for this change. Give each other time to grow and find the right path. Be supportive and you can find your way together as a couple.
- Always Communicate – Graduation is a huge transitional period in our lives, so we must make an effort to communicate our plans and expectations. It’s a bad idea to ignore each other only because you are afraid to face your problems. Try to be sincere with each other about your feelings and plans.
- Never Sacrifice Your Dreams – Sometimes after diplomas are handed out, you and your partner will be headed home to different cities. Long-distance doesn’t work for everyone, so it may seem like one of you has to make the move if your romance is to have any hope of lasting. However, one of the biggest tips on how to save college relationships after graduation is to not make this mean you are sacrificing your dreams. If one partner has to be the one to leave their dreams behind to be with the other, then eventually resentment will bubble up to the surface and that can be the kiss of death for any affair. Compromise is key to a successful relationship, so make sure you both have equal importance and priority when it comes to making your dreams come to life.
Sometimes It Is Right to Say Goodbye
Although there are plenty of tips on how to save college relationships after graduation, it is important to decide if it is really the right thing to do. Some relationships are not meant to last beyond college and that is perfectly okay. Sometimes the right thing to do is say goodbye after graduation. Here are three common indicators that your college romance may not be long lasting:
- You Have Different Goals – Have you started to think about life after college. What is the next step? Will you head out of state? Are you planning on getting into your chosen career immediately? Are you considering a year out to travel the world? Whatever your plans involve it is important that your partner shares those goals. If one of you is dedicated to building a career at home while the other is intent on backpacking across Australia, then your relationship is not on track for survival.
- Something Doesn’t Feel Right – Usually when a relationship is coming to its natural end, something starts to feel a little off. It could be that some of your partner’s quirks that were once cute now get on your nerves, or maybe you just don’t communicate the way you used to. Whatever it is, if you don’t feel right it usually indicates that its game over. Once you realise this, it might be the perfect time to make the break.
- You Can’t Imagine the Future Together – Once finishing college most of us start to think more seriously about settling down. That often means imaging the kind of life your future holds. Marriage. Kids. A home in the suburbs. Who do you see standing by your side? If it is not your current sweetheart, then alarm bells should be ringing. If you can’t picture yourself married to that person then it is unlikely that your relationship is going to flourish after you graduate.
Keeping a college romance alive is not always easy, but hopefully with these tips on how to save college relationships you can enjoy the next stage of your lives together. Good Luck!