
How to manage studying and sports
January 26, 2018

How to Manage Studying and Sports

If you are a college athlete, no matter you will face one common hurdle – balancing training commitments with your studies. If you are a scholarship student then learning how to manage studying and sports is even more important since you are likely to have a minimum grade you are required to maintain in order to keep your scholarship!!

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best blog that keep up to date
December 13, 2017

The Best Blogs That Keep You Up-to-Date

If you put all present-day bloggers in one place, they can occupy the whole country, at least such countries, as Andorra or Vatican. The web is overcrowded with regular blogs and how the hell to find a prominent blog then? We tried to help you a bit and picked out blogs that will keep your finger on pulse.

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benefits of volunteering
February 20, 2017

Surprising Benefits of Volunteering

With a busy student life, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. However, if you want to boost your educational experience and learn new skills, volunteering can be a rewarding option. Sometimes even more helpful than networking events or internship, it offers plenty of surprising benefits to students.

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black and yellow doodles in the notebook
October 24, 2016

How Drawing Doodles Can Help You in College

Imagine the following scenario: a college classroom with a teacher droning on and students spacing out. As your mind wanders and you begin to daydream, the person next to you is doodling in their notebook. You’re thinking that they won’t remember anything from this lecture either. You would be wrong.

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Scary Clown Costume Ideas for This Halloween
October 17, 2016

Scary Clown Costume Ideas for This Halloween

In case you haven’t heard, scary clowns are all the rage this fall. The trend has sparked terror all across the country and internationally as people don scary clown costumes at night and head out to terrorize their neighborhood. With a costume this hot, nobody wants to be left out. So if you’re planning to be your own breed of scary clown this Halloween, or even tonight, here are some tips on how to do it right.

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