Best Writing Blogs for Aspiring Authors

If you’re an aspiring author, you don’t have to fly solo. Even if you can’t yet afford an agent, coach, or degree, you can find plenty of helpful resources on the Internet. The following websites will help you improve your writing skills, teach you more about your favourite genre, and give you the publishing tips you need to succeed.
Write to Done: Unmissable Articles on Writing
Write to Done is a collection of helpful articles for writers in all disciplines, from marketing to fiction. If you have a question related to writing, you’ll most likely find an answer here. Whether you want to learn how to cope with criticism, improve your grammar, generate titles, or write an entire novel, you’ll get that information here.
Daily Writing Tips
If the technical aspects of writing plague you, check in at Daily Writing Tips. A sort of online style guide, DWT is run by a team of editors and writers. These professionals publish an article every day on grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, spelling, and general usage and style. Trying to figure out if you need to hyphenate a term or swap your semicolon for a colon? You can look here.
Advice to Writers: Writerly Wisdom of the Ages
Advice to Writers is the companion site to “Advice to Writers: A Compendium of Quotes, Anecdotes, and Writerly Wisdom from a Dazzling Array of Literary Lights.” This book was authored by Jon Winokur, a prolific writer who assisted Burt Reynolds and James Garner with their memoirs. The homepage of the site features inspirational quotes from fellow writers. You’ll also find links to resources of all types, including dictionaries, interviews with famous authors, other blogs, podcasts, and much more.
Writer’s Digest: Write Better, Get Published
This comprehensive site offers a number of tools for aspiring authors: competitions, workshops, tutorials, webinars, articles, writing prompts, and links to professionals such as agents and manuscript reviewers. You can also subscribe to the weekly newsletter or frequent the forums and exchange ideas with your peers.
Writer’s Relief: Author’s Submission Service
This site is designed for those writers who don’t want to be businesspeople. Focus on your craft, and then turn it over to Writer’s Relief. The staff will generate query letters, proofread your work, submit manuscripts to publishers, track responses, and much more. Choose from one of the multifaceted service plans, and get back to what you do best.
Short Story & Flash Fiction Society
The Short Story & Flash Fiction Society focuses exclusively on brief fiction. On this site, you’ll find everything you want or need regarding short stories and flash fiction: information on both types of writing, free stories to read, writing contests, guest posts, helpful videos, and a shop offering inexpensive resources to help you write.
Romance University: R U Ready?
If you’ve always dreamed of writing the next great Harlequin romance, then Romance University is for you. This site is tailored exclusively to authors of love stories, from the innocent to the erotic. The group’s mission is to empower writers, entertain readers, and understand men. (Even if you’re not into the romance genre, that last item might be worth checking out!)
Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America
“SFWA is a professional organization for authors of science fiction, fantasy and related genres. Esteemed past members include Isaac Asimov, Anne McCaffrey, Ray Bradbury, and Andre Norton.” The site’s own description says it all. Here, you can browse through various blogs and resources, and discover more about various genre awards. Become a member and reap even more benefits.
Fantasy Author’s Handbook: Advice for Authors of Science Fiction & Fantasy
Fantasy Author’s Handbook is a site that offers a number of helpful posts on the technical aspects of writing your fantasy book. You’ll learn how to make the most of Microsoft Word and how to use index cards to outline your story. You can also check out tutorials, links to other sites, and a number of related resources. So stop fantasizing about becoming a renowned writer, and use this site to embark on your journey to authorhood.
The Official Blog of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators
If writing little stories for little people is your calling, don’t miss this site. Geared toward children’s literature specialists, the SCBWI blog contains a number of posts by different experts, all aimed at helping you produce high-quality reading materials for youngsters.
The Internet has made it easier than ever for people to write professionally; however, that fact might be overwhelming to you. With so much information available online, and so much competition, it may be difficult to know where to start. Pick the site that speaks to you and start reading. You’ll soon be motivated to make your dream come true.