Tips, Tricks, and Advice on How to Survive College
Here are some tips, tricks, and solutions to common issues every new student faces on how to survive college and make it the ultimate experience of your life!
Here are some tips, tricks, and solutions to common issues every new student faces on how to survive college and make it the ultimate experience of your life!
One of the biggest rites of passage for college students is to throw a completely unforgettable college dorm party. What better way to celebrate an occasion or simply kick off some steam from the stresses of college than to let loose with your friends – and everyone else they brought along.
Being in college should be one of the most exciting times of your life. For most students, it is their first chance at a life beyond the apron strings of the parents. For the first time they get to make decisions for themselves and learn what it means to be an adult.
When you learn to speak English as a second language, it often seems that no matter how hard you study or how much you practice you still don’t get it quite right! There is a simple reason for this – the way we learn to speak English in an academic setting is not how native speakers actually talk!
Love it or hate it Valentine’s Day is looming closer any minute. While couples are convulsively trying to get perfect gifts for their soulmates and ordering tables in restaurants, singles are looking for places where they can hide from all those sentimenal stuff.
If you are a college athlete, no matter you will face one common hurdle – balancing training commitments with your studies. If you are a scholarship student then learning how to manage studying and sports is even more important since you are likely to have a minimum grade you are required to maintain in order to keep your scholarship!!
“Travel more” is one of the most popular NY resolutions. However, setting a New Year’s resolution is only half the work. If you want to walk the talk, you should start doing first steps right away, such as choosing an incredible destination for your holiday.
Though the date of Christmas is not moveable and no one keeps it in secret, people still don’t buy gifts preemptively, at least, not all of them. We have gathered ideas for Christmas gifts on different budgets in the hope that these ideas will inspire you.
We are often told that the best way to get ahead is with a college education. The reality though is that an academic degree is not always the best choice. The good news is that rewarding job opportunities exist. Below are just a few examples of careers that one can be truly proud of that do not require years of advanced education and study.
If you put all present-day bloggers in one place, they can occupy the whole country, at least such countries, as Andorra or Vatican. The web is overcrowded with regular blogs and how the hell to find a prominent blog then? We tried to help you a bit and picked out blogs that will keep your finger on pulse.